- 01262-248308
- schoolvishwakarmapublic@yahoo.com
- Mon - Sat : 09.00-03.00
Welcome to Vishwakarma Public School , where excellence is a tradition and every student's potential is nurtured. As the proud Principal, I am delighted to extend a warm greeting to our vibrant community. Together, let's embark on a journey of discovery, innovation, and growth. Join us as we strive for academic excellence, foster creativity, and build a future of limitless possibilities for our students.
Our vision is to encourage students to develop sound ethical values & exposing them to modern & technologically driven environment there by strengthening our rich heritage and developing human potential towards the betterment of society.
Our School provides an environment in which every student discovers and realizes his full potential.The school should attract the best talented students, teachers and facilitators from all parts of India and the world, without distinction of race, religion, caste, or social status.
Vishwakarma Public School was established in the year 1990 and is affiliated with CBSE since 1992. It has student strength of 1200 and is supported by 55 teaching and 12 non teaching staff members. It is also up to the senior secondary level.
Embark on a journey of knowledge and discovery with our diverse array of courses, where each curriculum is a pathway to unlocking the extraordinary potential within every student.
Different types of activities are carried out in our schools, such as sports, dance, painting, music, festival celebrations, and photography are important for the overall development of the children.
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